Pyrex bowls with handle. These are fantastic. They are the perfect size for meal prep and can go directly from the fridge/freezer to the oven or microwave. You can get lids for them too but they are getting hard to find. The V model is the clear Visions line and the P model is the white one.
Pyrex later branded this as the GRAB IT bowl. Same thing...cheaper logo.
There are fakes out there too. Make sure it says Pyrex on the underside of the handle or you probably have a piece of dumb garbage. They made them with a few different patterns on them and even made one for Corning Ware that has the blue corn flower logo. The one shown has a glass lid. I have only ever had one of those. THe plastic lids are better but both are hard to find.
This stuff is very durable and can be dropped on a hard surface and not break or chip Pyrex was developed by NASA (from what i read) to be used on rockets and used on the shuttle nose cones to survive re-entry. I guess if it is good enough for that, it is good enough for my soup.
These were huge in the 80s or maybe I just think they were because i used to eat out of them all the time. Still do.
Pyrex later branded this as the GRAB IT bowl. Same thing...cheaper logo.
There are fakes out there too. Make sure it says Pyrex on the underside of the handle or you probably have a piece of dumb garbage. They made them with a few different patterns on them and even made one for Corning Ware that has the blue corn flower logo. The one shown has a glass lid. I have only ever had one of those. THe plastic lids are better but both are hard to find.
This stuff is very durable and can be dropped on a hard surface and not break or chip Pyrex was developed by NASA (from what i read) to be used on rockets and used on the shuttle nose cones to survive re-entry. I guess if it is good enough for that, it is good enough for my soup.
These were huge in the 80s or maybe I just think they were because i used to eat out of them all the time. Still do.
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